在柏林, 戴姆勒將旗下的“ c a r 2 g o ” ( 智能租車方案) 和“my T a x i”(計程車預定系統)整合入Mo o v e l應用程式當中。Moovel既支援蘋果手機和平板電腦,也支援採用Android系統的智能手機,用戶可以在相應的互聯網站點免費下載該應用。Moovel會顯示可供預訂的car2go車輛,同時顧客還可以通過Moovel呼叫當地計程車公司的車輛。令Moovel應用程式獨樹一幟的是:其向所有創新合作伙伴開放,聚集了所有廠商的各種交通工具,並提供透明、友好且無偏見的出行建議,而且其獨創的用戶引導介面十分簡潔,在試點過程中獲得了用戶的良好反響。
“Until two days ago someone told me I am the most famous Korean in the world. Now I have to relinquish. ”
《時代雜誌》(Time)在 2012 年底網路票選年度風雲人物(Person of the Year 2012)時,Psy 也進榜與世界知名人物共同角逐。在對這位一舞成名、34 歲異軍突起的大叔做介紹時,以一句「How many times have you watched it ?」–– 你看過它(騎馬舞)幾次? –– 作為開場。《時代雜誌》預言,會有那麼一天,我們這一代人在我們的孫兒孫女結婚宴上,將跳上一段騎馬舞,而我們要感謝 Psy。它這麼寫道:
“We'll have Psy to thank on the inevitable day when we do the horse dance for our grandkids at wedding.”
Bio: Psy, a Korean, has rocketed to international fame since his video – in which he performs his now famous horse-riding dance – went viral after being posted on YouTube in July 2012. The song has topped charts from Britain to Australia, and has occupied the number two slot on the U.S. Billboard Hot 100 for six straight weeks. Madonna, the American superstar, invited him onstage and they danced to his song at her New York City concert. In November 2012, became the most viewed video in YouTube history.
Psy appeared on numerous television talk shows, including The Ellen DeGeneres Show, The Today Show, and Saturday Night Live. He plans to release a worldwide album in March 2013 with dance moves that he thinks his international fans will like.
For more information, please call the PR office at 01 44 39 68 25 and speak to Tom Yo.
從公告的標題下方得知,訪問地點是在「Palmforce Co.」,而此公司位於 Paris(巴黎),所以正確答案是 (A)。答案 (B)(C) 的英國與澳洲是 Psy 的歌曲登上排行榜(charts)冠軍的地方,文中有「The song has topped charts from Britain to Australia...」。 答案 (D) 的紐約市是瑪丹娜辦演唱會的地方,文中提到「Madonna, the American superstar, invited him onstage and they danced to his song at her New York City concert.」。
What is one of Psy's achievements?
(A) His song was on top of U.S. Billboard Hot 100.
(B) He had a concert in New York City.
(C) He rode a horse on some talk shows.
(D) He performed with an American singer.
本題的正確答案是 (D),因為告示中提到美國巨星Madonna 邀 Psy 登上她在紐約市的演唱會舞臺,共跳騎馬舞。答案 (A) 只有 number two(第二名),而不是 on top(在最上、第一名),文中提到「...and has occupied the number two slot on the U.S. Billboard Hot 100 for six straight weeks.」。 答 案 (B) 中, 辦演唱會的是 Madonna。答案 (C) 中,他獲邀上 Talk Show,但未提他在節目中騎馬。
而 Globish 這個新字又是從何而來? Nerrière 曾考慮以 Simple English(簡式英語)等名稱來為全球化英語命名,但 David Hon 表示,Globish 最大的特色是「去中心化」,也就是「去 English」,讓 Globish成為全世界共有的語言,而不再是英語是母語人士所屬的語言。所以為了切斷它跟英文的關係,也降低我們在面對英語的壓力,決定將其命名為 Globish。
Globish 為企業國際化成功之核心關鍵
David Hon 則 是 提 出「 共 同 地 帶( Middle Ground)」的看法。在國際溝通的舞臺上,因為語言溝通而造成的誤會及傷害,迄今已經累積成一個可觀的數字,而「共同地帶」是為了讓英語母語者改變說英語的方式,讓非英語母語者得以運用這 1500 個單字,不只可以用來與非英語母語者溝通,也能向英語母語者傳達訊息,這個「共同地帶」就是 Globish。
David Hon 提到,目前為數不少的國際企業在經營方式上有了很大的改變,以往是垂直性的由各個子公司向總公司報告事項,再由總公司回覆給各個子公司,因此,只要高階主管會使用英語溝通即可;而現在,為了讓國際貿易更有效率及競爭力,企業組織架構從垂直改變為水準,多數的階層與單位都或多或少都需要用到英語。因此,透過 Globish 所有部門及階層可讓各個母子公司間彼此相互溝通,連結全球的貿易網,這就是 Globish 在推展企業國際化上最大的功效。
傳統英語 vs. 全球英語
不用片語、俚語 傳統英語 → 全球英語 take the place of → replace
用主動語態的文法 傳統英語 → 全球英語That project was submitted by me. → I submit that project.
傳統英語 → 全球英語
I made a decision… → I decided…
It is worthy of… → It is worth…
He is the man whom I sold the house to. 全球英語
I sold the house to him.
We do not know where the keys to the back door were hidden.
全球英語 We cannot find the keys to the back door. They are hidden somewhere.
A: Your résumé looks very impressive, Ms. Mura, and we would like to offer you a job with our company.
B: Thank you, Mr. Christopher. I’m really looking forward to working with you.
A: Very good. You can sign the papers at the personnel office.
A: Your résumé looks very good, Ms. Mura, and we would like to give you a job with our company.
B: Thank you, Mr. Christopher. I’m really looking forward to work with you.
A: Very good. You can do the papers at the personnel office.
I just want to leave my phone number in the Netherlands with you. It is 23-319501. I’ll be in Amsterdam until the 14th but I want to keep in touch with you. I am planning to stay in Paris from 16th to the 19th before returning home.
全球英語 Just want to leave my phone number in the Netherlands with you: 23-319501. I’ll be in Amsterdam until the 14th but want to keep in touch. I am planning to be in Paris the 16th-19th before returning home.